Saturday, October 1, 2022

QBasic File Handling Programming Questions Collection 2079 - SEE Computer Science 2079

 1.      Write a program to create a sequential data file “salary.dat” to store programmer’s name, salary and post according to the need of the user. [SEE 2078]

2.      Write a program in QBASIC to create a file "EMP.DAT" and store employees Name, Address, Salary and Telephone number on the basis of user choice.

3.      Create a sequential data file “std.dat” to store name and marks obtained in English, Math and Science subjects for a few students. [SEE MODEL 2065]

4.      Write a program to store records regarding the information of Book Number, Book’s name and Writer’s name in a sequential data file called “Library.dat”. [SLC 2065 R]

5.      Write a program to create a sequential  data file “Employee.dat” to store employees’ name, address, age and gender.

6.      Write a program to create a data file “teldir.dat” to store name, address and telephone number of employees according to the need of the user. [SLC 2069 R]

7.      Create a data file to store the records of few employees having Name, Address, Post, Gender and Salary fields. [SEE 2073]

8.      Write a program to store Roll no., Name, Class and Address of any five students.

9.      Write a program to create a sequential data file "" to store programmer's Name, salary and post according to the need of the user. [SEE 2075 S2]

10.   Students Name, Class, Section and Address are stored in a data file called “STUDENT.dat”. Write a program to print all the records of students.

11.   A sequential data file called “MARKS.DAT” contains roll no., name, English, nepali and maths fields. Write a program to display all the contents of data file.

12.   A sequential data file “Staff.dat” contains the name, address, post and salary of the employees. Write a program to read and display all the records stored in the above file. [SLC 2069 S]

13.   A sequential data file called “Marks.dat” contains name, english, nepali, maths and science fields. Write a program to display all the contents of that data file.

14.   A sequential data file “Record.dat” has records with field name, addres, age and salary. Write a program to display only those records whose age is greater than 26. A sequential data file called “Marks.dat” contains NAME, AGE, CITY AND TELEPHONE fields. Write a program to display all the contents of the data file.

15.   A sequential data file called “Record.dat” has stored data under the field heading Roll No., Name, Gender, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose marks in English is more than 40. 

16.   A sequential data file “emp.dat” contains employee’s name, address, gender and salary. WAP to display all the information of employees whose salary is more than Rs. 20,000 [NPABSON PRE BOARD 2078]

17.   A sequential data file called “Record.txt” has stored data under the field heading Roll No., Name, Gender, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose gender is “F” and obtained marks in computer is more than 90. [MODEL SET 1]

18.   Write a program to update the rate by increasing 10% from a sequential data file "Data.dat" that store item name, rate and quantity. [PABSON PRE BOARD 2078 - 2]

19.   A data file “LIB.TXT” consists of Book’s name, Author’s name and price of books. Write a program to count and display the total number of records present in the file.

20.   A sequential data file “EMP.DAT” contains name, post and salary fields of information about employees. Write a program to display all information of employees along with tax amount also.(Tax is 15% of salary)

21.   A sequential data file called “student.dat” contains some records under the fields Name, English, Nepali and computer. Write a program to add some more records in the same sequential data file. [SLC 2068 R]

22.   Write a program to view those records from “Employee.dat” sequential data file having employee’s name, department, appointment data and salary whose salary is more than Rs 5000. [SLC 2068 S]

23.   A data file “Salary.dat” contains the information of employee regarding their name, post and salary/ Write a program to display all the information of employee whose salary is greater than 15000 and less than 40000. [SLC 2071 R]

24.   A sequential data file called “Marks.dat” has stored data under the field heading Roll No, Name, English, Nepali and maths. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose marks in Nepali is more than 50. [SLC 2071 S]

25.   A data file "STAFF. dat" has stored records of few employees with EmPID, First name, Lastname, post and salary. Write a program to display all the records of the employees whose salary is more than  40,000.

26.   A Sequential data file called "SEE.DAT" has stored data under the field heading Symbol No., Name, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose marks in Computer is more than 80.

27.   A sequential data file “person.txt” contains information such as name, address and DOB of 20 people. Write a program to display only those records whose age is below 18 and address is Lalitpur.

28.   A data file “Staff.dat” has stored records of few employees with EmpID, name, address, post and salary. Write a program to display all the records of the employee whose address is Butwal and salary is more than 40,000.

29.   Write a program to update the rate by increasing 10% from a sequential data file “data.dat” that storte item name, rate and quantity.

30.   A sequential data file “Employee.rec” consists of numerous records of employees of a company on the following fields: employee’s name, post, salary and status (i.e. permanent or temporary). Write a program to read records of the “Employee.rec” file and display the records of permanent employees whose post is manager.

31.   Write a program to open a sequential data file “STAFF.DAT” which will display students’ name, roll no., gender, class and section of class of ten students on the screen.

32.   A sequential data file “employee.rec” contains employee no, employee name, employee address, designation, salary and Date of join. WAP to count and display those records of employees whose DOJ (Date Of Join) is on January 1st.

33.   Write a program that asks student’s name and marks in English, Math and Computer and stores into “pass.dat” only those records that are passed in all the subjects. The user will be asked whether to input another record or not.


  1. sir i need solution of this question can you please sent me solution

  2. pleaseplease ssir update with aanswwersss
