Thursday, February 20, 2025








1.    The rules and regulations to systematize the computer related technology.

2.    Rules and format to accept and transfer data in the computer network.

3.    A set of rules that governs how computer exchange information over computer network.

4.    A set of rules that governs the communication among the computers in a network. 

5.    A set of rules and procedures that govern transmission of messages. 

6.    The rules that make the network communication possible.

7.    The volume of bits that can be transferred per second through the communication media. 

8.    A software which enables to view HTML pages in the Internet. 

9.    A device that can connect networks which may use different communication protocols. 

10. Network sharing and exchanging information between different people. 

11. Learning through electronic media. 

12. A card used to connect network cable to computer.

13. A main computer in the computer network.

14. A powerful computer which controls and co-ordinates all computers connected in a network. 

15. A computer in a network which can provide services to other computer

16. A device which can convert analog signal to digital codes and vice versa.

17. The device used to connect PC with telephone line.

18. A computer network limited within a room.

19. Network of networks.

20. A company that provides the internet facility.

21. The data carrying capacity of communication channel.

22. Hub or switch based network topology.

23. Physical layout of LAN.

24. A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server.

25. Protocol used to receive email from the mail server.

26. An internet tool that helps to upload/download the file.

27. The process of sending file from user’s computer to web server. 

28. A virus that corrupts system files of operating system.

29. A program that destroys other program

30. A program that effect the normal functioning of computer.

31. Computer program that protects computer from computer virus.

32. A computer virus that damages the documents created in MS-Word & MS-Excel.

33. Program used to detect and eliminate computer virus.

34. A program that can disinfect a file from virus

35. A person who steals or destroys other’s data, information and program

36. A secret code that gives the user to access particular program and system.

37. A secret group of characters used to protect computer system from unauthorized users.

38. Making an extra copy of data and software.

39. Device used for power protection.

40. An electronic device that supply electronic current when electricity is cut off.

41. Making duplicate copy of file for security purpose.

42. A spare copy of important program or document.

43. The method of consolidating fragmented files on the computers.

44. Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals.

45. The moral principles that control cyber-crime.

46. The law that controls cyber crimes.

47. Law regarding internet (or Legal issues of Cyber Space).

48. Law that governs the legal issues of cyberspace.

49. Illegal activities committed through the use of computers and Internet. 

50. Buying and selling products and services online.

51. Business through internet.

52. Use of Internet to buy and sell goods and services.

53. The smallest unit to represent information on a quantum computer

54. An artificial environment created by a computer system that appears real. 

55. Digital trails created while using internet.

56. Data transmission in only one direction.




1.    Gbps

2.    DVD

3.    JPEG

4.    SMTP 

5.    WLAN

6.    ADSL –

7.    ASCII       

8.    BNC        

9.    bps               

10. CD-ROM

11. FTP -

12. HTTP

13. ICT         

14. IRC      

15. ISP           

16. Kbps     

17. LAN  

18. LCD

19. MAN             

20. MODEM-

21. NIC -

22. NOS

23. OS                

24. PDF

25. ROM

26. STP        

27. TCP  

28. TCP/IP

29. UPS 

30. URL     

31. UTP        

32. VOIP

33. WAN- 

34. WWW           

35. TCP/IP

36. STP

37. WAP

38. OTP

39. G2G

40. IoT

41. POP

42. AI



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