Saturday, February 22, 2020

Model Set 9 - Class IX - Computer Science

Model Set 9 - Class IX - Computer Science

Model Question Set 9
Group A:
“Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.        Answer the following questions.               5×2=10
         a) Define system software with examples.
         System software is the collection of programs that controls and manages all the internal operation of the computer. MS-DOS, Anti-virus are some examples of system software.

         b) Explain flowchart and algorithm with examples.
         A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of the step wise instructions to be performed to get the solution of a problem.
         An algorithm is one of the commonly used programming tool, that is used to develop a program solving logic stepwise.

         c) What is a secondary storage media? Why it needed?
         Secondary storage media is a type of computer memory that holds a large volume of data, information and programs permanently.
         It is needed because it is non-volatile in nature and it has large storage capacity which is needed to store the operating system and all the programs and files needed by a computer system.

         d) What is a super computer? Explain.
         Super computers are the largest and the most expensive digital computers. These computers are mostly used in forecast weather and global climates, biomedical research, aircraft design, robot design and other areas of science and technology. CRAY-XMP, CYBER 205, SX-3 are some examples of super computer.

         e) Mention any four features of micro computer.
         Any four features of micro computer are :-
         i) It works with the microprocessor.
         ii) It is design as single-user operating system.
         iii) It is commonly used in schools, offices, homes to perform different data processing jobs.

2.       a) Convert the following numbers.                  2
            i) (6A7B)16=(?)8        ii) (1001)2=(?)8
         b) Perform the following calculation:                2
            i) (11101)2 × (101)2           ii) 10101 + 101 - 1001
3.       Match the following pairs:                    2
a.   Ms dos                 b. Commercial language
b.  COBOL                  a. OS
c.   Magnetic tape          Hardware
d.  ALU                    c. Storage media
                                   d. Component of CPU
4.       Fill in the blanks with suitable words:               2
         a) Vaccum tubes were used in first generation of computer.
         b) All the physical parts of computer is known as computer hardware.
         c) XT computers was released in March 8, 1983
         d) A program stored in ROM as firmware
5.       Give the appropriate technical term:                2
         a) A machine that operates on data expressed in discontinuous signals. Digital Computer
         b) To translate one statement of program at a time. Interpreter
         c) A peripheral device for producing text, images on paper for present and future use. printer
         d) To perform mathematical and logical operations. ALU
6.       Give the full form:                           2
      a) FORTRAN – Formula Translation
b) LED – Light Emitting Diode     
c) VDU – Visual Display Unit
d) COBOL -  Common Business Oriented Language.
Group B:
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.       a) Mention any two differences between DOS and windows.        1
         Any two difference between DOS and windows are :-
i) DOS is a operating system that uses a disk storage device such as floppy disk, hard disk or an optical disk.
i) Windows is a group of graphical operating system family which are developed, marketed and sold by Microsoft.
ii) It is command line or text based interface.
ii) It is graphical user interface and command line interface.
iii) It requires few megabytes to work.
iii) It required gigabytes to function.

         b) Define the term shortcut.                               1
         Shortcut is an icon that points to a program or data file which is placed on desktop or stored in other folders.

         c) Write down the commands to accomplish the following tasks: 3
            i) Delete all files with externsion.DOC belonging to the word              directory of C: drive
         C:\word>DEL *.DOC
            ii) To hide file XYZ.DOC
         C:\>ATTRIB +h xyz.doc
            iii) Move all the files and folders of D: drive to C:
            D:\>XCOPY *.* C:
Group C:
HTML [5 marks]
8.       Answer the following questions.                 3
         a) What is a Web Page? Explain.
         Web page is the electronic document or softcopy, collection of related information found on the Internet. A web page may have many hyperlinks to open other linked pages.

         b) Write the attributes of <font> tag.
         The attributes of <FONT> tag are:-
         i) SIZE
         ii) COLOR
         iii) FACE

         c) Write any two examples of markup language.
         Any two examples of markup language are:-
         i) HTML
         ii) XML

         d) Fill in the blanks:                         2
            i) The <IMG> tag is used to add image to a HTML document.        
ii) bgcolor tag is used to specify the background color for the        page.
            iii) The commonly used browsers are internet explorer and netscape navigator
            iv) The property of tag is called attribute.
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.       a) List different logical operators.                        1
         The different logical operators are:-
         i) AND
         ii) NOT
         iii) OR

         b) Write down the syntax of FOR.........NEXT statement.      1
         The syntax of FOR......NEXT statement is:-

         FOR [counter variable] = [start value] TO [end value] STEP [increment value/ decrement value]
                  Statement(s)to be repeatedly executed
            NEXT [counter variable]

10.      Draw a flowchart to print sum of odd numbers up to 100.     2
11.       a) Write the output of the program.                    2
            REM Program for find factorial value.
            LET N = 4
            F = 1
            For i = 1 to N
            F = f*i
            Next i
            Print “the factorial is”;f
            the factorial is 24

         b) Debug the program.                                   2
         4, 16, 36, 64, 100
         DO      WHILE      B<=6
         PRINT A2
         Debugged Program
REM 4, 16, 36, 64, 100
A = 2
B = 1
    PRINT A ^ 2
    A = A + 2
    B = B + 1

12.      Read the following program and answer the following questions:  2
            DIM A$= (100)
            READ I = 1 TO N
            READ A$(I)
            NEXT I
            FOR J = 1 TON -1
            FOR K = 1 TO N - J
            IF     A$(K) < = A$(K + 1) THEN 160
                  A$(K)=A$(K + 1)
                  A$(K + 1) = P$
            160   NEXT K
            NEXT J
            FOR M = 1 TO N
            PRINT A$(M)
            NEXT M
            DATA 4,”RAJAN”, “MALA”, “ALI”, “KAPIL”
a)  What is the purpose of the program?
It arranges the data in descending order.
b)  Count the statement used in the program.
Read….Data Statement and IF…THEN statement

13.      a) Write a program to enter any two numbers and find the greater number.                                                   2
         INPUT “Enter any two numbers”; A,B
         IF A>B THEN
         PRINT “The greatest number is”;A
         IF B>A THEN
         PRINT “The greatest number is”;B
         END IF

         b) Write a program to enter name, age and telephone number of 5 different students and print them in tabular form.           3
            DIM N(5) AS STRING
            DIM A(5), T(5)
            FOR I = 1 TO 5
            INPUT “Enter name”; N(I)
            INPUT “Enter Age”; A(I)
            INPUT “Enter Telephone number”; T(I)
            NEXT I
            PRINT “NAME”, “AGE”, “TELEPHONE”
            FOR I = 1 TO 5
            PRINT N(I), A(I), T(I)
            NEXT I
         c) Write a program to ask any 10 different numbers from the user and find the greatest and smallest numbers among them.   2

            DIM N(10)
FOR I = 1 TO 10
G = N(1)
S = N(1)
FOR I = 2 TO 10
IF N(I) > G THEN G = N(I)
IF N(I) < S THEN S = N(I)


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