Friday, August 9, 2024





Networking and Telecommunication

1.     The transmission of data and information from one place to another for the purpose of communication. Telecommunication

2.     An interconnection of different devices using wired or wireless media to exchange data and information. Network

3.     The process of sending and receiving data and information between two or more than two person. Communication.

4.     The process of transferring data and information between computers and other electronic devices. Data communication

5.     The transmission of data or information that can take place in only one direction. Simplex mode

6.     A unidirectional mode of data transmission. Simplex mode

7.     Data transmission in one direction only that is to send or receive only. Simplex mode

8.     A mode of data transmission in which data and information flow in both directions. Duplex mode

9.     A bi-directional mode of data transmission. Duplex mode

10.  Data transmission in both directions. Duplex mode

11.  The transmission of data and information that flows in both directions but only one direction at a time. Half duplex mode

12.  The transmission of data and information that flows in both direction simultaneously on the transmission path. Full duplex mode

13.  The mode of data communication in which data/information/signals are transmitted in both sides simultaneously. [SEE 2080 S] [SEE 2080 BK]. Full duplex mode

14.  A channel or path through which data and information are transmitted between connected devices in a network environment. Transmission Media

15.  The media which uses cable or wire to transfer data and information among computers. Guided transmission media

16.  A communication channel in which data and information transferred between two devices without using wire or cable. Unguided Transmission Media

17.  A cable which is made up of copper and a pair of wires are twisted together and insulated with plastic.  Twisted pair cable.

18.  A cable which is made up of copper or aluminum wire with an inner conductor surrounded by insulating layer and again surrounded by conducting shield.  Co-axial cable

19.  A cable which uses BNC and T connectors. Co-axial cable

20.  A cable which uses light wave to carry data signal from one end of cable to other end.  Fiber optic cable

21.  An electronic magnetic wave which is used in rural and hilly areas. Radio wave transmission

22.  A high frequency wave which is used to transfer signals through atmosphere.  Microwave transmission

23.  An artificial satellite placed in outer space for the purpose of telecommunication, radio, television, Internet, etc. Satellite communication

24.  The term relating to sending data to a satellite. Uplink

25.  A group of two or more computers and devices connected to each other through wired or wireless media to exchange data and information and share hardware, software and other resources.  Computer network

26.  Network sharing and exchanging information between different people. [SLC 2070 S] Computer network

27.  A port on the back of system unit to connect a computer in network. NIC card

28.  A card used to connect network cable to computer. [SLC 2066 S] [SLC 2071 S]. Network Interface Card

29.  An intelligent device that has ability to determine the best possible path for data transmission. Router

30.  A network connectivity device that interconnects two networks having dissimilar communication protocols. Gateway

31.  The device which is used to connect two dissimilar networks. [SEE 2075 S2] [SEE 2073 U] [SEE 2080 PQ]. Gateway

32.  A network connectivity device that accepts weak signals and regenerates them and after that sends the message on their way. Repeater

33.  Network connecting device that boosts the data signals. Repeater

34.  Amplify the signal for long-distance communication in microwave. Repeater

35.  A device which connects computers to ISP (Internet Service Provider) by the help of telephone line or router device. MODEM (Modulator and Demodulator)

36.  A device used at end user’s computer in a network which converts digital signal into analog and vice versa [SLC 2064] [SLC 2067 S] [SEE 2080 PL]. MODEM (Modulator and Demodulator)

37.  The device used to connect PC with telephone line. [SLC 2068] [SEE 2080 PQ]. MODEM (Modulator and Demodulator)

38.  A company that provides internet service [SLC 2070] [SLC 2072] [SLC 2067 S] [SEE 2075 U] [SEE 2078] [SEE 2080 PB] [SEE 2080 J]. ISP (Internet Service Provider)

39.  The amount of data that can be carried from one point to another in a given time period. Bandwidth

40.  The data carrying capacity of communication channel. [SLC 2068 S]. Bandwidth

41.  The volume of bits that can be transferred per second through the communication media. [SEE 2080 NP]  [SEE 2075]. Bandwidth

42.  Software which controls and manages computer network. NOS (Network Operating System)

43.  Operating system that can handle network. NOS (Network Operating System)

44.  A powerful program that controls and coordinates a computer’s hardware devices and runs software and applications. [SEE 2080 PB]. Operating System

45.  A set of rules followed for interconnection and communication between computers in a network . Protocol.

46.  A rule followed while sending and receiving information using network software. Protocol

47.  The rules that make the network communication possible. [SLC 2068]. Protocol

48.  A set of rules that governs how computer exchange information over computer network. [SLC 2067] [SLC 2070 S] [SEE 2073 U]. Protocol

49.  Rules and format to accept and transfer data in the computer network. [SLC 2066]. Protocol

50.  The first protocol . NCP (Network Control Protocol)

51.  The protocol used by the Internet.  TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

52.  The protocol that makes the network communication possible. [SEE 2080 PC]. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

53.  The protocol used to transfer HTML documents in WWW.  HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

54.  The protocol used in sending e-mail.  SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

55.  The protocol used to retrieve / receive e-mail from a mail server. [SEE 2073]. POP (Post Office Protocol) 

56.  A server where incoming emails are collected in mailbox. Mail server

57.  The protocol used to transmitting files between computers.  FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

58.  Transmitting files between computers. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

59.  An internet tool that helps to upload/download the file. [SLC 2067] [SEE 2080P]. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

60.  The process of sending file from user’s computer to web server. [SEE 2075 S2] [SEE 2079 NP]. Uploading

61.  The process of transferring data from a remote or central computer to a local device. Downloading

62.  A network limited within a small area like a room, a building, school, college, etc. generally connected through wire media. LAN (Local Area Network)

63.  A computer network limited within a room. [SLC 2065] LAN (Local Area Network)

64.  A network within the area like valley, city, metropolitan, etc. connected through wire or wireless technology or media. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

65.  A network that is extended to a large area i.e. world in which computers are connected through wireless technology or media as satellite communication. WAN (Wide Area Network)

66.  It defines how the computer communicates and interacts with each other on network. Network architecture

67.  A type of network where all nodes on the network have an equal relationship with each other. Peer to peer network

68.  A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server. [SEE 2073] [SEE 2080 P] [SEE 2075 U] [SEE 2078 PM]. Peer to peer network

69.  A network model where one or more powerful computers (servers) provide the different network services and all other users of computer network (clients) access those services to perform user's tasks. Client – Server Network

70.  A computer in a network which can provide services to other computer [SLC 2070] [SLC 2072] [SEE 2074] [SEE 2080 PA]. Server

71.  The computer on which users run applications. Client

72.  Each computer or device on a network. Node

73.  A main computer in the computer network [SLC 2068] [SEE 2074 U] [SEE 2080 PD] [SEE 2080 P]. Server

74.  A powerful computer which controls and co-ordinates all computers connected in a network [SEE 2075]. Server

75.  The inter-connected pattern of network components.  Network topology

76.  Physical layout of computers in a network / LAN. [SEE 2080 PB] [SLC 2069] [SEE 2074] [SLC 2071 S] [SEE 2079 NP]. Network topology

77.  Cabling structure of LAN. Network topology

78.  The arrangement of connection patterns of computers or nodes and others resources. [SEE 2078 NP]. Network topology

79.  The type of topology which uses a segment of single cable to connect nodes. Bus topology

80.  A topology which forms a closed-loop as each computer is connected to another computer with the last one connected to the first. Ring topology.

81.  A type of topology which connects all nodes to central device called hub/switch through a cable. Star topology

82.  Hub or switch based network topology. [SLC 2068 S]. Star topology

83.  The world wide connection of computer networks and that uses TCP/IP protocols to communicate with one another using wire or wireless media as well as network devices . Internet.

84.  Network of networks. [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2067 S] [SLC 2071 S] [SEE 2079 GP] [SEE 2078 GP].  Internet

85.  The interconnection of computers that are spread all over the world. Internet

86.  The interlinked collection of hypertext documents and multimedia content available on internet. WWW (World Wide Web)

87.  Sending and receiving messages electronically through the internet. E-mail

88.  The service on the Internet which sends and receives messages electronically through the Internet. E-mail

89.  The message which can be exchanged around the world using internet. E-mail.

90.  The facility of Internet that allows user to use a remote computer through Internet. Telnet

91.  The communication program that searches documents on the basis of specified keywords and returns a list of the web links that matches the keywords. Search Engine

92.  The websites that search documents for specified keywords in WWW. Search Engine

93.  A software which enables to view HTML pages in the Internet. [SEE 2073 U]. Web Browser

94.  Software require for browsing and surfing content on the WWW. [SEE 2080 P]. Web Browser

95.  The service of internet which allows people from all over the world to communicate in real-time. IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

96.  The service of internet which allows a user to conduct financial transactions through Internet. Online Banking

97.  The buying and selling of goods, products, or services through Internet. [SLC 2065] [SLC 2071] [SEE 2074] SLC 2065 S]. E-Commerce

98.  Business through internet. [SLC 2069] [SEE 2078 PM]. E-Commerce

99.  A unique numerical identifier for every device or network that connects to the internet. [SEE 2080 PB]. IP Address

100.         A character (such as asterisk or question mark) that stands for any other character, or series of any character [SLC 2064]. Wild card character


Ethical and Social Issues in ICT


1.     A set of moral principles or code of conducts that regulate the use of computers systematically without making harm to other users. Computer ethics

2.     Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals. [SLC 2066]. Computer ethics

3.     A code of behaviour for using the Internet. Cyber ethics

4.     The moral principles that control cybercrime. [SLC 2071] [SLC 2068 S] [SLC 2071 S]. Computer ethics

5.     The use of technology as a measure of behaviour responsible for a digital society. Digital Citizenship

6.     The bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying

7.     Crimes committed using electronic devices and cyber space. [SEE 2077 M] . [SEE 2075 S2]. Cyber crime

8.     Illegal activities committed through the use of computers and Internet. [SEE 2075]. Cyber crime

9.     The rules and regulations to systematize the computer related technology. [SLC 2065 S]. Cyber law

10.  The legal issues related to using of inter-networked information technology. Cyber Law

11.  Law regarding internet (or Legal issues of Cyber Space). [SLC 2065]. Cyber Law

12.  Laws made to prevent criminal activities through the internet. [SEE 2080 PQ]. Cyber Law

13.  The law that controls cyber crime. [SEE 2073] [SEE 2074] [SEE 2074 U] [SEE 2075 U]. Cyber law

14.  The law that governs the legal issue of cyberspace [SLC 2064] [SLC 2069 S] [SEE 2076 M] [SEE 2080 PQ]. Cyber law

15.  A term that encapsulates the legal issues related to the use of communicative, transactional, and distributive aspects of networked information devices and technologies. Cyber Law

16.  The protection of computer systems and sensitive information from unauthorized access, theft or damage. [SEE 2080P]. Cyber security

17.  The virtual environment created by the Internet and devices and services related to the Internet. Cyberspace

18.  A process of performing a variety of tech-enabled activities via virtual communities and network. Social media

19.  A collective online communications channels dedicated to community based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration. [SEE 2078 PM]. Social Media

20.  A person utilizing information technology (IT) in order to engage in society, politics, and government. Digital citizen

21.  The recording of interaction with the digital world. Digital Footprint

22.  An invisible report card which is stored for many years. Digital Footprint

23.  Digital marks created while using Internet. [SEE 2080 PC] [SEE 2079 B]. Digital Footprint

24.  Combination of information technology and telecommunication technology. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

25.  The issues related to cybercrime and also help in making and implementing laws over cybercrime. ETA ( Electronic Transaction Act)



Computer Security


1.     The protecting of computer and its content from damage, theft or misuse and action to prevent such incidents. Computer security

2.     The fake attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. [SEE 2079 PQ]. Phishing

3.     A logical collection of Internet-connected devices such as computers, smartphones or internet of things (IoT) devices whose security have been breached and control is given away to a third party. Botnet

4.     A  malicious code (kit) that hides in system area provides continued Administrator's (root) privileged access to a computer while actively hiding its presence. Rootkit

5.     A hardware or software for recording the keys pressed on a keyboard secretly so that person using the keyboard does not know that their actions are being monitored. Keylogger

6.     An illegal activity and the individuals who are engaged in hacking.  / A person who steals or destroys other’s data, information and program [SLC 2070] [SLC 2072]. Hacker

7.     A skilled computer expert who uses his/her technical knowledge to overcome a problem. Hacker

8.     Hacking done with permission from the client. [SEE 2079 S] [SEE 2080 R]. Ethical Hacking

9.     A kind of harmful computer code or web script designed to create system vulnerabilities leading to back doors, security breaches, information and data theft, and other potential damages to files and computing systems. Malicious code

10.  The process of identifying an individual usually based on a username and password. [SEE 2079 S] . Authentication system

11.  A memorized secret used to confirm the identity of a user. Password

12.  Secret word that gives a user access to a particular program / system or to protect system from unauthorized person [SLC 2064] [SLC 2069] [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2070 S] [SEE 2080] [SEE 2080 PB] [SEE 2080 PH] [SEE 2078 P]. Password

13.  The combination of username and password that is used to access a resource. Credentials

14.  Only numbers are allowed in the secret code. PIN (Personal Identification Number).

15.  The uniquely identifying method by evaluating one or more distinguishing biological traits. Biometric

16.  The measurement of things such as fingerprints and retinal scans used for security access. Biometric

17.  The network security systems that monitors and controls the traffic flow between the Internet and private network or private computer on the basis of a set of user-defined rules. [SEE 2080 S] .  Firewall

18.  The study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents. Cryptography

19.  The technology to encode file or message that is being stored or transferred online in intelligible content which cannot be used by an unauthorized person. [SEE 2079 PQ] . Encryption

20.  The process of converting plain text to cipher text. [SEE 2080 P].  / Making data and information unreadable by unauthorized person. [SEE PABSON PL] Encryption

21.  The method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the information's true meaning. [SEE 2080 R]. Encryption

22.  The conversion of encrypted data into its original form. Decryption

23.  A program that copies itself and infects a PC, spreading from one file to another, and then from one PC to another when the files are copied or shared. Computer virus

24.  A program that destroys other program. [SLC 2065] [SEE 2080 PQ]. Computer virus

25.  A program that effect the normal functioning of computer. [SLC 2068]. Computer virus

26.  A general term used to describe all of the viruses, spyware, worms, adware, trojan. Malware

27.  A malicious program of computer that damages data and Software. [SEE 2080 PD] [SEE 2077 M]. Malware

28.  Any software installed on PC that collects your information without user’s knowledge and sends that information back to the creator so they can use your personal information in some immoral way. Spyware

29.  An application that look like they are doing something harmless, but secretly have malicious code that does something else. Trojan

30.  A software application used by companies for marketing purposes; advertising banners are displayed while any program is running. Adware

31.  A computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware / computer virus. [SLC 2066 S] . Antivirus software

32.  A program that can disinfect a file from virus [SLC 2070] [SLC 2072] [SEE 2079] [SEE 2078 GP] . Antivirus software

33.  The software that protects computer virus. [SLC 2069] [SEE 2079 GP] [SEE 2078 GP] . Antivirus software

34.  The system of copying data and programs into another location or creating a duplicate copy of it’s in a secured place. [SEE 2078] . Backup

35.  Making an extra  / duplicate copy of data and software for security purpose. [SLC 2066] [SLC 2066 S]. [SLC 2067] [SEE 2075]. Backup

36.  A spare copy of important program and documents. [SLC 2069 S]. Backup

37.  The process of making copies of data or data files to use in the event the original data or data files are lost or destroyed. [SEE 2080 NP]. Backup

38.  A way to get the investment – whole or part of it – back in case, the computer system is damaged because of theft, vandalism or natural calamities like fire or flood. Insurance

39.  An electronic device that supply electronic current when electricity is cut off. [SLC 2067 S] [SEE 2073 U]. UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

40.  Device used for power protection. [SLC 2066 S]. Volt guard




1.     The electronic transactions such as buying, selling and exchanging of goods, services and information over computer communication network such as the Internet. E-Commerce

2.     The process of buying and selling or exchanging of products, services and information through the Internet. E-Commerce

3.     The type of E-Commerce which establishes the electronic business relationships between a business organization (merchant) and final consumers. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

4.     A type of e-commerce which is conducted between companies. Business-to-Business (B2B)

5.     A type of e-commerce which is conducted between consumers. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

6.     The process of buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as smartphones, tablets or personal digital assistants (PDAs). M-Commerce

7.     Commercial transaction through mobile devices. / Commerce done by mobile. [SEE 2078 NP] M-Commerce

8.     The payment for buying goods or services through the Internet using different online payment gateway. Online Payment

9.     Paying money in E-Commerce using internet. [SEE 2080 P].  Online Payment

10.  The money that is exchanged electrically. [SEE 2080 PA]. Digital Currency



Contemporary Technology


1.     A technology that allows users to access and use of computing resources, like servers and software, over the internet. Cloud Computing

2.     A type of cloud service where customer can use processing, storage, networking, and other computing resources from cloud service providers to run their software system. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

3.     A type of cloud service where Customer subscribes the software services from a vendor for an annual subscription fee or sometimes free and use it over Internet. Software as a Service (SaaS)

4.     A type of cloud service where Customer use infrastructure and programming tools and environment supported by the vendors to develop their own applications. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

5.     A cloud computing environment dedicated to a single organization. Private Cloud

6.     A type of cloud computing that is delivered via the internet and shared across organizations. Public Cloud

7.     Combination of private and public cloud. [SEE 2080 PH]. Hybrid Cloud

8.     An emerging branch in computer science, which interprets the means and method of making computers think like human beings. Artificial intelligence (AI)

9.     A systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively improve themselves based on the information they collect. Artificial intelligence (AI)

10.  A set of services provided by the government to public via electronic media especially using Internet. E-Governance

11.  The transaction between the government to citizens. Government-to-Citizen(G2C)

12.  The transaction between government to business. Government-to-business (G2B)

13.  The transaction between government to government. Government-to-Government (G2G)

14.  the transaction between government to employee. Government-to-Employee (G2E)

15.  The use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Virtual Reality (VR)

16.  An artificial environment created by a computer system that appears real. [SEE 2080]. Virtual Reality

17.  A variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from wherever they are. Mobile computing

18.  A system of interrelated computing device to exchange information over a network without human-to-human or human to computer interaction. IoT (Internet of Things)

19.  Learning through electronic media. [SLC 2070 S] [SEE 2074 U] [SEE 2079] [SEE 2078 GP]. E-Learning

20.  a new concept of delivering digital contents in learner oriented environment using information and communication technology (ICT). E-Learning

21.  A digital banking system that enables customers to conduct financial transactions and manage their accounts online through the internet or mobile apps without the need for a physical visit to a bank branch. E-banking

22.  A facility offered by banks and financial institutions that allow customers to use banking services over the internet. Internet Banking

23.  The act of making financial transactions on a mobile device (cell phone, tablet, etc.). Mobile banking

24.  The smallest unit to represent information on a quantum computer. [SEE 2076 M] [SEE 2078 PM] [SEE 2080 PQ] [SEE 2080 J]. Qubit

25.  The process of repeatedly executing some code until condition satisfies. [SEE 2079 B]. Looping


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