Friday, August 9, 2024

(1.5) Contemporary Technology


(1.5) Contemporary Technology


Contemporary technology

Contemporary technology refers to the latest advancements and inventions that we use in everyday life. 

For example,  smartphones are a contemporary technology. They allow us to do things like call, text, take pictures, browse the web, and use apps, all in one device!


Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and use of computing resources, like servers and software, over the internet.

Some of the cloud providers are Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, VMware Cloud, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba Cloud.


Examples of Cloud Computing

Drop box, Face book, Gmail, YouTube

Google Drive, Apple iCloud

Google Photos, Online Photoshop, Microsoft Office 365


Uses of Cloud Computing

l Create new apps and services,

l Store, back up and recover data,

l Host websites and blogs,

l Stream audio and video,

l Deliver software on demand.


Advantages of Cloud Computing

It allows to quickly and easily access, store information anywhere, anytime in the whole world, using an internet connection.

It is easier to get back-up and restore the data.

 It reduces both hardware and software maintenance costs for organizations.

Data is securely stored and handled.


Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Storing sensitive data on remote servers raises privacy issues.  

Uploading and downloading large volumes of data can be time-consuming.  

Switching providers or platforms can be complex and costly.  

Cloud services can experience outages, leading to disruptions in business operations.


Types of cloud computing services


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Customer can use processing, storage, networking, and other computing resources from cloud service providers to run their software system.


Software as a Service (SaaS): Customer subscribes the software services from a

vendor for an annual subscription fee or sometimes free and use it over Internet.

Services like Gmail, Google Drive, Office 365 are some of the examples of SaaS.


Platform as a Service (PaaS): Customer use infrastructure and programming tools and environment supported by the vendors to develop their own applications.

IBM provides Bluemix for software development and testing on its cloud.



Types of Cloud

·       Public cloud - Public cloud is cloud computing that’s delivered via the internet and shared across organizations. Example: Services like Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or Amazon Web Services (AWS).

·       Private cloud - A private cloud is a cloud computing environment dedicated to a single organization. Example: A company might have its own private cloud for its specific needs.

·       Hybrid cloud - A combination of both public and private cloud services, allowing organizations to maintain sensitive data on-premises while using public cloud for less critical workloads.

Example: A company might keep some data and applications in its private cloud and use the public cloud for others, creating a mix that suits its needs.


 Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and reacts like humans.

John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence in the year 1955.


Some of the examples of AI are

speech recognition (like Siri, Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Echo, Google Home etc.),

spam email filter,

self-driving cars,

face recognition etc.


Advantages of AI

·       AI reduces labor and operational costs by automating tasks. 

·       AI processes and analyzes data faster than humans, leading to quicker decision-making. 

·       AI can automate repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing errors. 

·       AI systems can work continuously (24/7) without rest. 


 Disadvantages of AI 

·       Automation by AI can lead to job losses in certain industries. 

·       Developing and maintaining AI systems can be costly for businesses. 

·       AI can analyze and collect personal data, raising privacy concerns. 

·       Understanding and managing AI systems can be complex and require specialized knowledge. 


Applications of AI

·       Robotics – AI is used in robotics to control robots and make them perform task autonomously.

·       Gaming - The AI machines can play strategic games like chess, where the machine needs to think of a large number of possible places.

·       Natural Language Processing − It is possible to interact with the computer that understands natural language spoken by humans.

·       Security - AI is used in facial recognition, threat detection, and cybersecurity


"Al is for the aid of people not their against. Explain.

AI is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets the means and method of making computers think like human beings. AI is for the aid of people not their against. AI reduces labor and operational costs by automating tasks. AI processes and analyzes data faster than humans, leading to quicker decision-making. AI can automate repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing errors. AI systems can work continuously (24/7) without rest.




"Artificial Intelligence is threat to humans". Give your opinion.

Ans: AI can be a threats to human. AI could become uncontrollable and pose a threat to humanity. This could happen if AI systems become more intelligent than humans and begin to act on their own, without human guidance or control. AI could be used for bad things like cyber attacks or making weapons that can decide on their own who to attack, causing a lot of harm. It's like giving a sharp knife to a toddler - bad idea


Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment that doesn’t actually exist, that can give a feel of near real world with all or some of senses experiencing the virtually simulated environment.

We can swim with whales in oceans, fight with aliens, fly aeroplanes, visit distance places without being there and much more within the VR.


Advantages of Virtual Reality: 

·       Virtual reality creates a realistic world. 

·       It enables user to explore places. 

·       Through Virtual Reality user can experiment with an artificial environment. 

·       Virtual Reality make the education more easily and comfort. 

 Disadvantages of Virtual Reality 

·       The equipment used in virtual reality are very expensive. 

·       It consists of complex technology. 

·       In virtual reality environment we can’t move by our own like in the real world. 

·       Some individuals may become addicted to VR experiences. 


Application areas of VR

·       Gaming-  VR Gaming allows players to immerse (dip) themselves in virtual world and interact with environment and characters

·       Education - VR can help students learn by making the content more engaging and memorable.

·       Health care - VR can help people to learn how to manage their anxiety and stress.

·       Architecture and Design - VR can be used to create 3D models of buildings and products.



·       E-Governance is a set of services provided by the government to public via electronic media especially using Internet.

·       Examples of such services include paying their taxes online, requesting various services from government though governmental websites, providing information to public via government’s websites.

·       The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc. at National, State and local levels.

·       An ordinary citizen gets the government facility through the internet.


Any two website URL of government of Nepal

· and


Two examples of e-government are:

Short messaging systems(SMS).                    Automated telephone information services


Models of E-Governance

·       Government-to-Citizen(G2C)

·       Government-to-business (G2B)

·       Government-to-Government (G2G)

·       Government-to-Employee (G2E)


·       G2C-is transaction between the government to citizens.

·       It includes online registration of birth/ death/marriage certificates, filling of income taxes, electricity bills, license renewals etc.


Government-to-business (G2B)

·       G2B it is the transaction between government to business.

·       It includes online application forms, renewing licenses, registration etc.


Government-to-Government (G2G)

·       G2G it is the transaction between government to government.

·       It provides safe and secure inter-relationship between domestic or foreign government.


Government-to-Employee (G2E)

·       G2E it is the transaction between government to employee.

·       G2E aims to bring employees together and improvise knowledge sharing.


Advantages of E-governance 

·       Citizens can access government services and information conveniently from anywhere. 

·       It reduces paperwork and manual tasks, which can lead to faster decision-making and service delivery. 

·       E-governance systems promote transparency by making government actions and decisions visible to the public. 

·       Cheaper, more effective, and speedy communications. 

·       Corruption will be reduced as there will be direct interaction with the system and public without any intermediaries


Disadvantages of E-governance 

·       Collecting and storing citizen data online can raise privacy and security issues. 

·       Not all citizens may have the necessary technology skills to explore e-governance platforms. 

·       E-governance may exclude individuals without access to the internet or digital devices. 

·       In rural and remote areas, the internet may not work well, so people there can't easily use e-government services.


Mobile Computing

Mobile computing refers to the use of portable computing devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearables, that allow users to access and transmit data, information, and applications without being tied to a fixed physical location.


Advantages of Mobile Computing 

·       It allows people to work and communicate from anywhere at any time.  

·       It keeps connected to the Internet, allowing to access information all the times.  

·       It increases the productivity of users reducing time and cost.  

·       It is one of the major handheld sources of entertainment for users at present. 

Disadvantages of Mobile Computing 

·       Mobile devices have limited battery life, requiring frequent recharging.  

·       Excessive use of mobile devices can lead to health issues.  

·       Mobile devices can be vulnerable (weak) to cyberattacks and data theft. It can be expensive, with high costs for devices, data plans, and accessories.  

·       Mobile devices may have limited storage space, which can be insufficient for storing large files and media. 


The Internet of Things (IoT)

  IoT is a system of interrelated computing device to exchange information over a network without human-to-human or human to computer interaction.

  The term "The Internet of Things" was coined by Kevin Ashton in a presentation to Proctor & Gamble in 1999.


Write any two examples of IOT.

Any two examples of IOT are: Smart Watch, Smart TV


Components of IoT

a)     Sensors/Devices - Sensors/Devices collect data from their environment.

b)     Connectivity to Cloud - The sensors/devices can be connected through Bluetooth, WiFi, Cellular etc.

c)     Data Processing  - Software perform data processing on cloud data to get a analyzed or computed data.

d)     User Interface - The analyzed or computed data is made useful to the end user via and alert(email, text, notification).


Applications of Internet of Things (IoT)

·       Smart Home - IoT devices can be used to automate and control home appliances, security systems and lighting which make homes more comfortable, efficient and secure.

·       Health care - Wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers can collect data about our health and activity levels which track our progress, improve our health and even diagnose diseases.

·       Smart city - IoT can be send to make cites more efficient and sustainable by improving traffic flow, optimize energy use and reduce waste.

·       Smart agriculture - It helps farmers monitors and manage crops, cattle and equipment through sensors, drones and data analysis.


Advantages of Internet of Things (IoT) 

·       It reduces the human effort, so it saves a lot of time. 

·       Information is easily accessible from any place at any time on any device. 

·       It enhances security and offers personal protection. 

·       It enables convenient control of home appliances. 

·       Communication between the connected devices becomes more transparent and easier.


 Disadvantages of Internet of Things (IoT) 

·       Hackers may gain access to the system and steal personal information.  

·       IoT systems require a stable internet connection to function. 

·       Setting up IoT infrastructure can be expensive. 

·       The setup and management of IoT devices can be challenging for non-technical users. 


How does IOT help in our daily life? Explain.

With the use of IOT, accessing information is easy; we can control a device that is miles apart in real time. Communication between the connected devices becomes more transparent and easier.

There are smartwatches and many other wearables that monitor our health conditions on a real-time basis. So if some medical urgency is needed such devices can initiate the necessary actions like alerting the family members, calling an ambulance, etc.



E-learning is a new concept of delivering digital contents in learner oriented environment using information and communication technology (ICT).



Examples of E-Learning

Virtual Classrooms from Zoom and Google Meet,

Online textbooks and eBooks,

Video based learning platforms like YouTube etc.


Advantages of E-learning

·       There is no any geographical limitation for learning.

·       It is quite favorable for learner as it can happen at any time and anywhere.

·       It reduces or eliminates travel costs to attend learning events.

·       It reduces or eliminates need for classroom/instructor infrastructure.


Disadvantages of E-learning

·       Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind

·       Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates

·       Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help

·       Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating



E-banking refers to a digital banking system that enables customers to conduct financial transactions and manage their accounts online through the internet or mobile apps without the need for a physical visit to a bank branch.


Internet Banking

  a facility offered by banks and financial institutions that allow customers to use banking services over the internet.

  Customers need not visit their bank’s branch office to avail each and every small service. 

  Use PC or laptop and internet connection to use this facility.

  Kumari Bank was the initiator of internet banking in Nepal. It started its e-banking services in 2002. 


Features of Internet Banking

·       It saves the time of customers as they can easily access their account with the help of their device.

·       All transactions are recorded & stored digitally. So, the chances of human error are minimized

  • The customer can check the history of the transactions for a given period by the concerned bank.
  • Bank, statements, various types of forms, applications can be downloaded.
  • The customer can transfer funds, pay any kind of bill, recharge mobiles, DTH connections, etc.


Mobile Banking

·       Mobile banking is the act of making financial transactions on a mobile device (cell phone, tablet, etc.).

·       Download Mobile App or SMS system

·       Inquiry based transactions such as balance inquiry, transaction history, and transaction alert.

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