Sunday, November 5, 2017


1. 20 Theory Questions.
2. 20 Multiple Choice Questions
3. 35 True and False
4. 20 Fill in the Blanks
5. 25 Technical Terms
6. 5 Match the following

20 Theory Questions
1.   What is cyber law?
2.   Write the importance of cyber law.
3.   What are the major components included in cyber law?
4.   What are the major provisions included in cyber law of Nepal?
5.   What is the purpose of the enacted the cyber law in Nepal?
6.   What is digital signature?
7.   How digital signature works?
8.   Write the importance of digital signature.
9.   Mention provisions provided by digital signature act-ordinance 2061 of Nepal.
10.What is cyber crime?
11.What are the major reasons for computer crime?
12.What are the different types of computer crime?
13.What are the effects of computer crime?
14.Mention any four commandments of cyber ethics.
15.What is computer ethics?
16.Define encryption
17.Define decryption.
18.What is hacking?
19.Who is hacker?
20.What is software piracy?

1)     What is cyber law?
Ans: The law which governs the legal issues in the cyber space regarding the internet or WWW for digital data processing and transaction is called cyber law.

2)     Write down the importance of cyber law.
Ans: The importance of cyber law is that it controls cyber-crime and misuse of computer. It also touches almost all aspects of transaction and activities on the cyber space.

3)     What is cyber space?
Ans: A virtual space created by computer network, internet and telecommunication is called cyber space.

4)     What are the major laws included in cyber law?
Ans: The major laws included in cyber law are:
i) Electronic and Digital Signature law
ii) Computer crimes/Cyber-crime law
iii) Intellectual property law
iv) Data protection and privacy law
v) Telecommunication law

5)   Why is cyber law needed?
Ans: Cyber law is needed to legalize the transaction through electronic media to control various types of electronic frauds and to punish a person who does criminal activities through electronic means especially on computers.

6)   State any five major aspects of cyber law of Nepal 2004.
Ans: Five major aspects of cyber law of Nepal 2004 are:
i)                 Provides legal status for various banking transaction through electronic media, which will be instrumental in boosting economic activities throughout the world via internet.
ii)               Provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transactions in electronic medium.
iii)             Provides a detailed provisions for the controller of certifying authorities to regulate certifying authorities.
iv)              Provides punishment who conducts cyber crime.
v)               Provisions under the act in order to control and regulate the criminal activities apparent in Nepal cyber environment.

7)   What is a digital signature?
Ans: Digital signature is a security mechanism system used on the internet for data and information transaction by attaching a code at the end of the electronic message that attests the authenticity of sent message.

8)   What is the main purpose of digital signature?
Ans: The main purpose of digital signature laws is to provide a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard transaction in the electronic medium.

9)     Write down the importance of digital signature.
Ans: The importance of digital signature is that it provides legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic media.

10)  What is computer ethics?
Ans: Computer ethics is the set of moral principles or code of conducts that should be followed by computer user.

11)  Define encryption and decryption.
Ans: The process of encoding (scrambling) information in such a way that it is unreadable to all is encryption.
The process of restoring encrypted data to its original form is decryption.

12)  What is hacking?
Ans: Computer hacking means stealing and destroying other data, information, files and program.

13)List some commandments of computer ethics.
Ans: Some important commandments of computer ethics are:
i) Not to use computer to harm other people.
ii) Not to search the files or records of other people.
iii) Not to destroy, steal and use others computer passwords.
iv) Not to destroy, erase or edit personal or group records.
v) Not to use computer to steal.

14)Define computer crime and mention any four such crime.
Ans: Cyber-crime is an illegal action involved in any computer, computer system or over all computer networks like internet. The example of computer crime are:
i.                 Software piracy
ii.               Hacking
iii.              Cracking
iv.              Pornography

15)What are intellectual property rights?
Ans: The legal property rights of someone over his creations of the mind both artistic and commercial are called intellectual property rights.
25 Technical Terms

  1. The legal issued adopted by the government to minimize the computer crime.
2.      A generic term which refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of the internet and the World Wide Web.
3.      A law that legalize the transaction through electronic media
4.      The rules and regulation to systematize the computer related technology.
5.      A law that deals with the criminal activities like on line fraud, hacking, etc.
  1. Electronic fraud committed by people by  the use of computer.
7.      The moral principles or the code of conduct that regulate the proper use of computer.
  1. A person who steals the password or credit card number of Internet users and make unauthorized access of it.
9.      Stealing or destroying data, information and files.
10.   The activity of breaking into a computer system to gain an unauthorized access.
11.   A person who uses a computer to gain an unauthorized access.
12.   A person who steals or destroys other’s data, information and program
13.   A computer user who attempts to break into copyright protected software or an information system.
14.   The crime committed with the help of computer and internet.
  1. Any type of illegal activity that makes use of the internet, a private or public network, or an in-house computer system.
  2. An electronic equivalent of a signature.
17.   A mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or document.
18.   A security mechanism used on the internet that relies on two keys, one public and one private.
19.   The rights granted to creator and owners of the works that are the result of the human intellectual creativity.
  1. Law that prevents illegal copying.
21.   The unauthorized duplication and use of computer software.
22.   Transferring illegal item through the internet (such as encryption technology)that is banned in some locations.
23.   The protection of creations of the mind, which have both a moral and a commercial value.
24.   The repeated acts of harassment or threatening the victim by using internet services like e-mail.
25.   Virtual space created by computer networks, internet to make communication.

1. Cyber Law
2. Cyber Law
3. Cyber Law
4. Cyber Law
5. Cyber Law
6. Cyber Crime
7. Computer Ethics
8. Hacker
9. Hacking
10. Hacking
11. Hacker
12. Hacker
13. Cracker
14. Cyber Crime
15. Cyber Crime
16. Digital Signature
17. Digital Signature
18. Digital Signature
19. Intellectual Property Rights
20. Copyright Law
21. Software Piracy
22. Cyber Contraband
23. Intellectual Property Law
24. Cyber Stalking
25. Cyberspace

20 Multiple Choice Questions
1.      A genetic term that is concerned to the legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and computer technology.
Copyright law                     Cyber law                     Computer Crime      None of them
2.      “The Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act-Ordinance” is Known as:
                                                              i.     Intellectual Property Law                             Cyber Law
                                                            ii.     Telecommunication Law                              Data Protection Law
3.      A criminal activity within the information technology infrastructure.
Digital crime                       Intellectual property       Cybercrime                   All of them
4.      _______ is the normal Principal that regulates the use of computers.
Cyber Law              Cyber act                      Computer ethics            All of them
5.      The method of making the data or message unreadable by unauthorized people.
Digital signature                        Decryption        Encryption                    All of them
6.      Cyber law of Nepal commonly known as the Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act Ordinance was enacted in Nepal in___________________
i) 2061 BS                    ii) 2062BS              iii) 2063 BS                          iv) 2064 BS
7.      When did cyber law introduced in Nepal.
i.2002 A.D.        ii.2003 A.D.                      iii.2004 A.D.                  iv.2005 A.D.
8.      Premeditated, usually politically-motivated violence committed against civilians through the use of, or with the help of, computer technology
i) Cyber stalking             ii) Cyber laundering           iii) Cyber theft              iv) Cyber terrorism
9.      The act of attempting to acquire sensitive information like usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trust worthy source.
i) Hacking                     ii) Phishing             iii) Computer Virus              iv) Cyber stalking
10.   Electronic transfer of illegally-obtained monies with the goal of hiding its source and possibly its destination.
                        I)Cyber stalking          ii) Cyber laundering         iii) Cyber theft                      iv) Cyber terrorism
11.   Which of the following is computer crime?
i. piracy            ii. pornography                  iii. harassment                iv.All of above
12.   Which of the following is not computer crime?
i. Plagiarism        ii. Password guessing         iii. Internet                      iv. virus transferring
13.   Which of the following is included in cyber law?
i. Trademark right    ii. Copyright                       iii. Data privacy               iv. All of the above
14.   Which of the following is not computer ethics?
Not to steal data                   Not to bear false message    Not to use Internet        Not to harm the society
15.   The term ‘cyberspace’ was used in:
1984                              1884                             1985                            1885
16.   The law which includes literature and art, films, computer programs, invention, designed used by traders for their goods or services is called:
                                                              i.     Data Privacy Law                            Intellectual Property Law
                                                            ii.     Telecommunication Law                  Cyber crime Law
17.   The Process of ensuring the preservation, integrity and reliability of data is Known as:
                                                              i.     Intellectual Property Law                 Data Protection and Privacy law
                                                            ii.     Cyber Law                                      Telecommunication Law
18.   The government of Nepal has passed the cyber law on:
31st Bhadra 2061 BS                        29th Bhadra 2061 BS      30thBhadra 2062 BS            30thBhadra 2061 BS
19.   The law that provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium.
i. Digital signature law   ii. Intellectual property law        ii. Telecommunication law
20.   A federal law enacted in 1970 to ensure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies.
i. Fair credit reporting act                       ii.Federal privacy act                 iii.Copyright act
1. Cyber law
2. Cyber law
3. Cyber crime
4. Computer ethics
5. Encryption
6. 2061
7. 2004 A.D.
8. Cyber terrorism
9. Phishing
10. Cyber laundering
11. All of the above
12. Internet
13. All of the above
14. Not to use internet
15. 1984
16. . Intellectual Property Law
17. Data Protection and Privacy law
18. 30th Bhadra 2061 BS
19. Digital signature law
20. Fair credit reporting act
35 True and False Questions
1.      The term ‘cyberspace’ was used by William Gibson in 1984 for the first time.
2.      The cyberspace describes the real world of computer.
3.      Cyber law does not deal with issues relating to telecommunications.
4.      Some common issues of cyber ethics are intellectual property right, privacy concerns and how computer affect society.
5.      The cyber law of Nepal has the provision of appellate judicial body to issue licenses of certification to the IT industry monitor implementation of the act and regulate ICT activities.
6.      Cyber law is the set of moral principles that govern the behavior of a group or individual.
7.      Cyber law is legal and regulatory framework in cyber space.
8.      Cyber law covers those areas including ICTS.
9.      Cyber law of Nepal commonly known as the Electronic and Digital Transaction Act-Ordinance was enacted in Nepal in 2061 B.S.
10.    “The Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act-Ordinance” is popularly known as “cyber law” of Nepal.
11.   The government of Nepal could not pass “The Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act-Ordinance”.
12.   Moral principles that regulate the use of computers are also explained in cyber law.
13.   Cyber ethics are moral principles that make aware to the computer users.
14.   Computers ethics refer the behavior and ways of thinking of computer users in situations where a choice can affect the dignity and well being of others.  
15.   The copyright law makes it legal to produce extra copies of software for sale.
16.   Copyright law is related to intellectual property law. 
17.   Copyright includes inventions (patents), trademarks industrial designs and geographic indications of source.
18.   Copyright Act of 1992 provides access right to government to see any record of individual.
19.   The copyright act of 1992 imposed on entirely new body  of requirements on the federal government handling of information concerning individuals.
20.   Data protection law provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium.
21.   Intellectual Property can be defined as the relationship between collection and dissemination of data, technology privacy, and the legal and political issues surrounding them.
22.   Intellectual property describes a wide variety of property created by musicians ,authors , artist, and inventors.
23.   Fair credit reporting act is a federal law enacted in 1970 to ensure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies.
24.   Two possible reasons for cyber crime are problems with moral vision and rationalization of the problem.
25.   Internet pornography is a type of cyber crime.
26.   Cybercrime is a criminal activity involving the information technology infrastructure.
27.   Cybercrime refers any illegal act that involves a computer.
28.   Cybercrime is defined as any type of illegal activity that makes use of the internet, a private or public network, or an in-house computer system.
29.   The digital signature allows the user to attach an original signature on the document of electronic records.
30.   Digital signature law provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium.
31.   The digital signature is simply a small block of data that is attached to documents you sign.
32.   Freedom of the information Act is a federal law passed by Congress in 1966 and became effective on 4 July 1967.
33.   Computers today are being misused for illegal activities like e-mail espionage, credit card fraud, spams, software piracy and so on, which invade our privacy and offend our senses.
34.   Information Technology (IT) provides a new shape to build a dynamic world.
35.   Cyber laundering is the transferring illegal items through the internet(such as encryption technology) that is banned in some locations.

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. False
12. False
13. True
14. True
15. False
16. True
17. False
18. False
19. False
21. False
22. True
23. True
24. True
25. True
26. True
27. True
28. True
29. False
30. True
31. True
32. True
33. True
34. True
35. False
20 Fill in the Blanks
1.      __________________________ includes a wide variety of legal issues to the use of communication technology.
2.      ______________is a generic term, which refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of internet and the world wide web
3.      _______________is the law governing computers and the Internet.
4.      _______________may include thefts or actions in electric form that causes damages or difficulty to other computer users.
5.      _______________is a criminal activity done using computers and the Internet.
6.      __________________ is the set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers.
7.      __________________ does not only include the internet and computers, but it present where two or more cables or wires etc meet.
8.      A _______________is an electronic signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of the document, and possibly to ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged.
9.      _______________is a term referring legal property rights of someone over his creations of the mind , both artistic and commercial.
10.   _______________is the exchange of information over significant distances by electronic means.
11.   Cyber law of Nepal commonly known as the Electronic Transaction And Digital Signature Act-Ordinance was enacted in Nepal in     _______________   B.S.
12.   The activity of breaking into a computer system to gain an unauthorized access is known as                           .
13.   The use of communication technology, mainly the Internet to torture other individuals is known as                             
14.   Cyberspace has become synonyms with the _____________________.
15.   Digital Signature is a security Mechanism system in the cyberspace for_______________________________________________________________.
16.   Cyber Crime refers to ______________ _______________ involved in any computer.
17.   The law which is enacted to ensure the preservation, integrity and reliability of data is called ________________________________________________________.
18.   ______________act is a federal law enacted in 1970 to insure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies.
19.   ______________act limits the disclosure of personally identifiable information regarding video rentals.
20.   US introduced fair credit reporting act in ____________
1. cyber law
2. cyber law
3. cyber law
4. cyber crime
5. cyber crime
6. Computer ethics
7. Cyberspace
8. Digital signature
9. Intellectual property rights law
10. Telecommunication
11. 2061 B.S.
12. hacking
13. cyber stalking
14. internet
15. digital data processing and transaction
16. illegal actions
17. Data protection and privacy law
18. Fair credit reporting act
19. Video privacy protection
20. 1970 AD
5 Match the Following

a) Cyber stalking
Electronic transfer of illegally-obtained monies with the go  with the goal of hiding its source and
possibly its destination
b) Phishing
The activity of breaking into a computer system to gain to   unauthorized access
c) Cyber laundering
The use of communication technology, mainly the    internet, to torture other individuals
d) Cyber Contraband 
The act of attempting to acquire sensitive information like usernames, passwords and credit card details by distinguishing as a trustworthy source
e) Hacking
Transferring illegal items through the internet (such as  encryption technology) that is banned in some locations.


a) Hacking
The use of communication technology, mainly the Internet, to torture other individual.
b) Phishing
The computer program that can replicate themselves and harm the computer system on a network
within the knowledge of the system users.
c) Cyber stalking
The activity of breaking into a computer system to gain an unauthorized access.
d) Computer viruses
This is one of the most serious frauds as it involved stealing money and obtaining other benefits
through the use of false identity.
e) Identity Theft
The act of attempting to acquire sensitive information like usernames, passwords, and credit card
details disguising as a trustworthy source.


a) Digital Signature
Cyber crime
b) Forgery
Electronic security system
c) Encryptions
Cyber law
d) Copy right
Locking message


a) Fair Credit reporting Act
b) Copyright
Encryption and decryption
c) Cyber law of Nepal
d) Video Privacy Protection Act
e) Copyright Act
f) Federal Privacy Act
g) Digital Signature
Intellectual property


a) Computer ethics
The block of data at the end of an electronic message that attests the authenticity of the said message
b) Cyberspace
A method of making the data or message transmitted through the internet unreadable by everyone
except the receiver.
c) Digital signature
The world-wide network of computers.
d) Encryption
A branch of applied ethics which studies and analyzes social and ethical impacts of information
1. c, e, a, b, d
2. c, d, a, e, b
3. b, a, d, c
4. d, g, e, a, c, f, b
5. c, d, b, a



  1. Thank you for sharing such a nice post, now see our post about Cryptography in Cyber Security

  2. Cyber law deals with ...
    a. electronic transaction b. cyber crime
    c. software piracy d. all of the above
