Friday, September 6, 2024

1.5 Contemporary Technology 2081 - SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2081


1.5 Contemporary Technology

Contemporary Technology

Contemporary Technology refers to the latest and most advanced technological innovations that we use in our everyday lives. 

For example: smartphones are a contemporary technology. They allow us to do things like call, text, take pictures, browse the web, and use apps, all in one device!


Cloud Computing

v Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and manage computing resources such as servers, storage, and applications over the internet.

v Some of the cloud providers are Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, VMware Cloud, Oracle Cloud and Alibaba Cloud.


Examples of Cloud Computing

v Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Dropbox

v Microsoft 365 (Outlook, Word, Excel online)

v Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines

v Netflix , Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

v Zoom, Google Meet, YouTube


Advantages of Cloud Computing

v Access data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection

v Improved data backup and recovery capabilities

v It reduces hardware and software maintenance costs for organizations.

v Data is stored and handled securely.


Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

v Storing sensitive data on remote servers raises privacy issues.  

v Uploading and downloading large volumes of data can be time-consuming.  

v Switching providers or platforms can be complex and costly.  

v Cloud services can experience outages, leading to disruptions in business operations.


Types of cloud computing services

v Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet like processing, storage, and networking. E.g. Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2, Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines and Google Cloud Compute Engine.

v Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers software applications over the internet. Services like Gmail, Google Drive, Office 365, Dropbox

v Platform as a Service (PaaS): Offers a platform for developers to build, run and manage applications over the internet. E.g. Microsoft Azure App Service, Google App Engine, Heroku etc.


Types of Cloud

v Public cloud - A public cloud is a service that provides computing resources over the internet. Example: Google Drive for storing files online.

v Private cloud - A private cloud is a computing service used by single organization. Example: A bank's own secure system for storing customer data.

v Hybrid cloud - A hybrid cloud combines public and private clouds.

Example: A company using public cloud for email and private cloud for sensitive financial data.



Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans.

John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence in the year 1955.


Some of the examples of AI are

v Video and song recommendations

v Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa

v Self-driving cars

v Customer service chatbots


Advantages of AI

v Accuracy - AI reduces human error in repetitive tasks.

v Availability - AI systems can operate 24/7 without breaks.

v Increased Efficiency - AI can work faster and longer than humans, processing large amounts of data quickly.

v Personalization - AI can provide customized experiences based on individual preferences.


 Disadvantages of AI 

v High Costs - Implementing AI systems can be expensive initially.

v Lack of Creativity - AI struggles with truly creative and innovative thinking

v Job Displacement - Automation may lead to job losses in certain sectors.

v Ethical Concerns - AI raises questions about privacy and fairness


Applications of AI

v Healthcare - Medical diagnosis and treatment planning

v Finance - Fraud detection and prevention

v Transportation - Self-driving cars and autonomous vehicles

v Agriculture - Crop and soil monitoring


"Al is for the aid of people not their against. Explain.

AI is created to help people by making tasks easier and improving people’s lives. For example, AI can assist doctors in diagnosing diseases quickly, suggest products online, and provide support through chatbots. Its main goal is to support and enhance human activities, not to act against them.


"Artificial Intelligence is threat to humans". Give your opinion.

Ans: "Artificial Intelligence can be a threat if not managed properly, as it might lead to job loss, privacy issues, or misuse. Poorly managed AI systems can make unfair decisions or be easily hacked, leading to security problems and biased results. AI handles routine tasks well but cannot create original ideas or solutions like humans can.


Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that creates a simulated environment, allowing users to immerse themselves in a three-dimensional (3D) world that they can interact with.

We can swim with whales in oceans, fight with aliens, fly aero planes, visit distance places without being there and much more within the VR.


Advantages of Virtual Reality: 

v VR makes playing games and exploring places more exciting because it feels real.

v VR helps students learn by letting them explore virtual ancient cities or cells.

v VR allows people to practice hard tasks, like flying a plane, safely.

v VR lets people meet in virtual worlds, making it easy to work together from afar. 

 Disadvantages of Virtual Reality 

v VR equipment is expensive, so it's not affordable for everyone.

v Using VR for a long time can cause dizziness or headaches for some people.

v In VR, we can't move as freely as we do in the real world.

v Some people might become addicted to VR experiences.


Application areas of VR

v Gaming: VR immerses players in interactive game worlds, enhancing the gaming experience by making it feel real.

v Education: VR enables virtual field trips and interactive learning, allowing students to explore places like ancient Rome or the deep sea.

v Healthcare: VR provides a safe environment for training doctors, allowing them to practice surgeries and medical procedures without real-world risks.

v Travel and Tourism: VR offers virtual exploration of famous sites like the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China, allowing people to experience travel from home.



v E-Governance is the use of digital tools and the internet to make government processes and services more efficient, accessible, and transparent.

v The goal of E-governance is to make government services easier to use and more available to everyone by putting them online, while also making the government work better overall through technology.


Any two website URL of government of Nepal

v and


Two examples of e-government are:

v Nepal has introduced a biometric National Identity Card system to provide citizens with a secure digital identity for accessing government services

v Tax filing and payment, Driving license application and renewal


Models of E-Governance

v Government-to-Citizen(G2C)                                  

v Government-to-Government (G2G)             

v Government-to-Employee (G2E)

v Government-to-business (G2B)



v G2C is delivering services and information directly to citizens.

v E.g. Online passport application, Vehicle registration and renewal, Tax filing and payment.


Government-to-business (G2B)

v G2B facilitates interactions between government and businesses.

v E.g. Company registration, Customs clearance, online tender system etc.


Government-to-Government (G2G)

v G2G enables information sharing and collaboration between different government agencies.

v E.g. National e-Government Portal, District Administration Information System etc.


Government-to-Employee (G2E)

v G2E focuses on internal government operations and employee management.

v E.g. Government email system, E-attendance system etc.

Advantages of E-governance 

v Citizens can access government services and information conveniently from anywhere. 

v Reduces paperwork and manual processes, saving time and resources. 

v E-governance systems promote transparency by making government actions and decisions visible to the public. 

v Improved communication between government and citizens. 


Disadvantages of E-governance 

v Hackers might steal people's personal information from government websites.

v If the power goes out or internet stops working, people can't use e-governance services.

v People who don’t have computers or internet can't access online services. 

v Governments need to spend a lot of money on computers and training.


Mobile Computing

Mobile computing refers to the use of portable devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops to access and share information from anywhere, without being tied to a specific location.


Advantages of Mobile Computing 

v It allows people to work and communicate from anywhere at any time.  

v It keeps connected to the Internet, allowing to access information all the times.  

v It increases the productivity of users reducing time and cost.  

v It is one of the major handheld sources of entertainment for users at present. 


Disadvantages of Mobile Computing 

v Mobile devices have limited battery life, requiring frequent recharging.  

v Excessive use of mobile devices can lead to health issues.  

v Mobile devices can be vulnerable (weak) to cyberattacks and data theft. It can be expensive, with high costs for devices, data plans, and accessories.  

v Mobile devices may have limited storage space, which can be insufficient for storing large files and media. 


Internet of Things (IoT)

v Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected physical devices that can collect and exchange data over the internet without requiring human intervention.

v The term "The Internet of Things" was coined by Kevin Ashton in a presentation to Proctor & Gamble in 1999.


Write any two examples of IOT.

Any two examples of IOT are: Smart Watch, Smart TV


Components of IoT

v Sensors/Devices - Collect data from the environment.

v Connectivity - Allows the devices to send collected data to the cloud through Bluetooth, Wi-Fi etc.

v Data Processing - Once data reaches the cloud, software processes it and may trigger actions.

v User Interface - Allows users to interact with the IoT system, view data, and control devices.


Applications of Internet of Things (IoT)

v  Smart Home - IoT devices can be used to control things like lights and appliances from phone or computer.

v Health care - Smartwatches and fitness trackers can monitor health and activity levels.

v Smart city - Smart traffic lights and sensors help control traffic more effectively and reduce traffic jams.

v Smart agriculture - Sensors help farmers check soil and weather conditions to grow crops better.

Advantages of Internet of Things (IoT) 

v It reduces the human effort, so it saves a lot of time. 

v Information is easily accessible from any place at any time on any device. 

v It enhances security and offers personal protection. 

v It enables convenient control of home appliances. 


 Disadvantages of Internet of Things (IoT) 

v Hackers may gain access to the system and steal personal information.  

v IoT systems require a stable internet connection to function. 

v Setting up IoT infrastructure can be expensive. 

v The setup and management of IoT devices can be challenging for non-technical users. 


How does IOT help in our daily life? Explain.

IoT simplifies daily life by connecting devices online. Smart thermostats save energy, fitness trackers monitor health, and security cameras enhance safety. Voice assistants control lights and appliances, while smart fridges track groceries, all improving convenience and efficiency.



E-learning is a computer based educational tool or system that enables to learn anywhere and anytime.


Examples of E-Learning

v Virtual Classrooms from Zoom and Google Meet,

v Online textbooks and eBooks,

v Video based learning platforms like YouTube etc.


Advantages of E-learning

v There is no any geographical limitation for learning.

v It is quite favorable for learner as it can happen at any time and anywhere.

v It reduces or eliminates travel costs to attend learning events.

v It reduces or eliminates need for classroom/instructor infrastructure.


Disadvantages of E-learning

v Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates

v Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating.

v It's harder to stop cheating in online tests.

v E-learning increases screen time, which can lead to eye strain and fatigue (tiredness).



E-banking is a digital banking system that allows customers to perform financial transactions and manage their accounts online via the internet or mobile apps, eliminating the need to visit a physical bank branch.


- Mobile Banking

Mobile banking is the act of making financial transactions on a mobile device (cell phone, tablet, etc.).


- Internet Banking

v A service provided by banks and financial institutions that allows customers to access banking services online.

v Customers can perform various banking tasks without the need to visit a physical branch.

v This service can be accessed using a PC or laptop with an internet connection.

v Kumari Bank was the initiator of internet banking in Nepal. It started its e-banking services in 2002. 


1 comment:

  1. Fascinating look at contemporary technology in 2081! Fira Code will be key for developers in the future. Thanks for sharing!
