Wednesday, May 22, 2024



1.      Write a program in QBASIC that asks any two numbers and calculate

 its sum and difference. Create a user defined function to calculate sum and sub-program to calculate difference.

2.      Write a program in QBASIC that asks any three numbers and calculate its product and average. Create a user defined function to calculate product and sub-program to calculate average.

3.      Write a program in QBASIC to find out sum of three numbers using SUB procedure and average of three numbers using FUNCTION procedure.

4.      Write a program in QBASIC that asks two numbers to find sum of squares of two numbers using SUB....END SUB program and average of two numbers using FUNCTION...END FUNCTION.

5.      Write a program in QBASIC that asks any number and display its square and square root. Create a user defined function to display square root and sub-program to display square of a number.

6.      Write a program in QBASIC that asks any number and display its cube and cube root. Create a user defined function to display cube and sub-program to display cube root of a number.

7.      Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth and height of room and calculate its area and volume. Create a User Defined Function to calculate Area and Sub Program to calculate the Volume. [Hint: Area LxB and Volume = LxBxH] [SEE 2080]

8.      Write a program in QBASIC that asks radius of a circle to calculate its area and circumference. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub program to calculate circumference. [Hint A= pr2, C= 2pr] [SEE 2079] [SEE 2078 GP-A]

9.        Write a program in QBASIC that ask the radius of circle. Write a program to calculate the area and circumference of a circle. Create a user defined function first (r) to calculate area and sub procedure second (r) to calculate circumference of a circle

10.    Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth of a room and calculate its area and perimeter. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub program to calculate perimeter. [Hint: [Area=LxB], [p=2(L+B]] [SEE 2078] [SEE 2079 GP]

11.    Write a program in QBASIC that will asks the user to input length, breadth and height of a room then use SUB procedure calculate its volume and FUNCTION procedure to calculate its area of four walls. [Hint: Area=2H(L+B), Volume=[L*B*H] [SEE 2078 GP-B]

12.    Write a program in QBasic that ask the radius and height of a cylinder and calculate the volume and curve surface area. Create a user-defined function to calculate volume and sub-procedure to calculate curve surface area of a cylinder. [Hints: V=πr2 h, CSA=2πrh] [KP 2079 B]

13.    Write a QBASIC program that asks length, breadth, height and calculate Volume of Cuboid and Total Surface Area. Create a USER DEFINED FINCTION to calculate Volume of Cuboid and SUB-PROGRAM to calculate Total Suface of Area. [Hint: V=LxBxH, TSA=2(LB+LH+BH) [S2079]

14.    Write a program to find area of four walls using FUNCTION... END perimeter of rectangle using SUB...END SUB. [Hint: A=2H(L+B), P=2(L+B) [NP 2079]

15.    Write a program in QBasic that ask the radius and height of a cylinder and calculate the volume and total surface area. Create a user-defined function to calculate total surface area and sub-procedure to calculate volume of a cylinder. [Hints: V=πr2 h, CSA=2πr(r+h)]

16.    Write a program in QBASIC that asks radius of a circle and calculate its Total Surface Area and Volume of sphere. Create a user - defined function to calculate volume of sphere and sub procedure to calculate Total Surface Area. [TSA=4pr2, Volume= ]

17.    Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth and height and calculate its Total Surface Area and Curved Surface Area of cuboid. Create a user - defined function to calculate Total Surface Area of Cuboid and sub procedure to calculate Curved Surface Area of Cuboid. [CSA=2h(l+b), TSA=2(lb+bh+hl) ]

18.    Write a program in QBASIC that asks length of a room and calculate its area and perimeter. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub program to calculate perimeter.[Hint: [Area=L^2], [p=4*L]

19.    Write a program in QBASIC that allows user to enter radius of a circle. Create a user defined function to find the area of circle and sub procedure to find volume of a cylinder. Hint: [A= pr2        v= pr2h]

20.    Write a program in Q-BASIC that asks first term, common Difference and No. of terms of an arithmetic series and calculate its general term and sum. Create a Function procedure to calculate general term and sub procedure to calculate sum.    [Hint:- tn = a+(n-1)xd and Sn = n/2 [2a+(n-1)xd]

21.    Write a program in QBASIC that asks principal, time and rate of interest and calculate simple interest and amount. Create a user- defined function to calculate simple interest and sub-program to calculate amount. Hint: [SI=P*T*R/1001, (A=P+SI)

22.    Write a q basic program asks length, breath and height of a room and calculates its volume and perimeter. Create FUNCTION...........END FUNCTION to find the volume and SUB END SUB to calculate perimeter.

23.    Write a program in QBASIC to  calculate circumference of a circle using sub and volume of a cylinder using function procedure.. [Hint V= pr2h, C=2pr]

24.    Write a program in QBASIC that asks radius of a circle and calculate its curved surface area and volume of hemisphere. Create a user - defined function to calculate volume of hemisphere and sub procedure to calculate curved surface area. [Hint: V=(2/3) 𝜋r3  , CSA= 2𝜋r2

25.    Write a program in QBASIC that asks radius of a circle and calculate its total surface area and volume of hemisphere. Create a user - defined function to calculate volume of hemisphere and sub procedure to calculate total surface area. [Hint: V=(2/3) 𝜋r3  , TSA= 3𝜋r2

26.    Write a program in QBASIC to define a function procedure to display the cube root of an integer supplied by the user. Use sub procedure module to calculate and print the difference between cube root and square root the same integer.

27.    WAP to calculate area of rectangle using SUB...END SUB and arca of circle using FUNCTION...END Function.

28.    Write a program using FUNCTION .... END FUNCTION to find the area of a tringle. [Hint: Area = 1/2 (bxh)]

29.    Using FUNCTION……END FUNCTION, write a program to calculate distance travelled by a body. (Hint: s=ut+ (1/2) at2)

30.    Write a program using Function…..End Function to get temperature in Celsius from the user and then print the temperature in Fahrenheit.(hint: F=9C/5+32)                                                                       


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