Tuesday, March 5, 2024

12 Marks Programming questions

 12 Marks Programming questions


9 a) Write a program in QBASIC that asks radius of a circle and calculate its Total Surface Area and Volume

of sphere. Create a user - defined function to calculate volume of sphere and sub procedure to calculate Total Surface Area. [TSA=4pr2, Volume= ]                                                                           4


b) Write a program that prompts the user to supply Employee’s name, Salary and Gender and stores it into

FEMALE.DAT if the gender is “FEMALE”. The user can supply 10 records after each execution of this program.                                                                                                                                                4


10. Write a program in C language to ask a number and check whether it is a multiple of 10 or not.    4


            Write a program in ‘C’ language to display the series 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18…….up to 10th terms.



9 a) Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth and height and calculate its Total Surface Area and Curved Surface Area of cuboid. Create a user - defined function to calculate Total Surface Area of Cuboid and sub procedure to calculate Curved Surface Area of Cuboid. [CSA=2h(l+b), TSA=2(lb+bh+hl)] 4

b) WAP that reads the records from “MARKS.DAT” having fields name and marks in English, math and computer and display only the pass records and also count the total number of records stored in it. (Pass Mark for all the subject is 35).                                                                                                            4

10. Write a C program to input three different and find the greatest number.                                               4


Write a C program to print the following series 9,7,5,…1.


9a) Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth of a room and calculate its area and perimeter. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub program to calculate perimeter.[Hint: [Area=LxB], [p=2(L+B]]                                                                                                            4

b) Write a program to create a sequential data file “salary.dat” to store programmer’s name, salary and post according to the need of the user.                                                                                                                                    4

10. Write a program in C language to input a number and then check whether the number is positive, negative or zero number.                                                                                                            4


 Write a program in C language to display the series with their sum.1, 2, 3, 4 upto 10th terms.



9 a) Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth and height of room and calculate its area and volume. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub-program to calculate volume.

Hint: [A=L×B], [V=L×B×H]                                                                                                              4


b) A sequential data file called “Record.txt” has stored data under the field heading Roll No., Name, Gender, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose gender is “M” and obtained marks in computer is less than 35.                                        4


10.  Write a program in C language that asks a number and check whether it is odd or even.   4


Write a C program to find the sum of first 10 natural numbers.






9 a) Write a program in QBASIC that allows user to enter radius of a circle. Create a user define function to find the area of circle and sub procedure to find volume of a cylinder. Hint: [A= pr2        v= pr2h]              4


b) Write a program to create a sequential data file named “Employ.Dat” to store Name, Post, Address and Salary for the number of employees. The program should terminate on user’s choice.                             4


10. Write a program in C language to input any two numbers and find smaller number.                                    4


Write a program in C language to display the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 upto 10th terms.



9. a) Write a program in QBASIC to input length and calculate its area of square using function procedure and perimeter of square using sub procedure. [Hint: Area = L2  Perimeter = 4L]                             4


b) A sequential data file called “Record.dat” has stored data under the field headings: Roll No., Name, Gender, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose marks in English is more than 40 and less than 70.                                                         4



10. Write C program to find average number of any two numbers                                                   4


Write a program in C-language to display the series 2, 4, 6, 8 up to the 10th term.



9 a. Write a program in QBASIC that ask the radius of circle. Write a program to calculate the area and circumference of a circle. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub procedure to calculate circumference of a circle.                                                                                                                  4


b. Write a program to update the rate by increasing 10% from a sequential data file "Data.dat" that store item name, rate and quantity.                                                                                                                4


10. Write a program in c language to calculate simple interest.                                                        4


Write a program in C language to display first 10 odd numbers.



9a) Write a program to define a function procedure to display area of sphere and sub procedure to display volume of sphere where user has to input the required data in the main module. [Hint: Area of sphere: 4*PI*R^2, Volume- V = 4/3 * π * r³                                                                                                          4


b) A sequential data file “person.txt” contains information such as name, address and DOB of 20 people. Write a program to display only those records whose age is below 18 and address is Lalitpur.      4


10. Write a program in C language to input a number then check whether the number is divisible by 5 and 7 or not.                                                                                                                                                     4



Write a program in C language to print series1, 8, 27, 64………..up to 10th terms.                         4




9a) Write a program in QBASIC that asks any three numbers and calculate its product and average. Create a user defined function to product and sub-program to calculate average.                                                           4


b) A sequential data file “EMP.DAT” contains name, post and salary fields of information about employees. Write a program to display all information of employees along with tax amount also.(Tax is 15% of salary) 4


10. WRITE A C PROGRAM  to check greatest among 3 numbers.                   4




Write a program in C language to display the series with their sum; 100, 95, 90, 85…..upto 10th term   4


Set 10

9a) Write a program in QBASIC that asks any number and display its square and square root. Create a user defined function to display square root and sub-program to display square of a number.                4


b) A data file “Staff.dat” has stored records of few employees with EmpID, name, address, post and salary. Write a program to display all the records of the employee whose address is Butwal and salary is more than 40,000.                                                                                                                                         4


10. WRITE A C PROGRAM  to check whether the a person can vote or not.                                  4


Write a program in C language to display first 10 odd numbers.


SET 11

a. Write a program in QBASIC that asks length, breadth and height of room and calculate its area and volume. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub-program to calculate volume. Hint: [A=L×B], [V=L×B×H]

b. A sequential data file called “Record.txt” has stored data under the field heading Roll No., Name, Gender, English, Nepali, Maths and Computer. Write a program to display all the information of those students whose gender is “F” and obtained marks in computer is more than 90.

10.  Write a program in C language that asks a number and check whether it is odd or even.


 Write a program in C language to display the series with their sum.1, 2, 3, 4 upto 10th terms.


SET 12


 9 a) Write a program in QBASIC to calculate its area and perimeter. Create a user defined function to calculate area and sub program to calculate perimeter of square.


b) Write a program to create a sequential data file “salary.dat” to store programmer’s name, salary and post of 7 employees.


10.  Write a C program that asks a number and check whether it is negative or positive.




Write a program in C language to display first 10 odd numbers.


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