Saturday, February 1, 2025

DBMS (Database Management System) [10 Marks] SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2081

 DBMS (Database Management System) [10 Marks]


1.8 DBMS (Database Management System)


Data are raw form of any facts, figures or entities which does not give any meaning.

Data does not directly help in decision making.

For example, Aaradhya, 1000, account, balance etc. are raw data individually does not give any meaning.



Information is the processed, organized collection of inter-related data which has significant meaning.

Information directly helps in decision making.

For example, Aaradhya has 1000 balance in her bank account gives significant meaning.



A collection of systematically organized inter-related data which store, organize and retrieve data is called a database.

E.g. Dictionary, Marks Ledger, Telephone Directory, Attendance Register etc.


Purpose of Database

Database is used to store, organize and retrieve data.

Database can be computerized and non-computerized (manual).


Components of Database

v Field

v Record

v Table



Difference between computerized and non-computerized database

Computerized Database

Non-Computerized Database (Manual)

A computerized database is an organized collection of structured data stored electronically on a computer system.

The database which is managed in file or ledger without using computer system is called manual database (non-computerized).

It can store large volume of data.

It is limited by physical storage available.

We can search data very easily.

It can take a while to manually search through all of the records.

Eg. Library Management System

Eg. Telephone Directory

DBMS (Database management system)

DBMS is a computerized system that stores data, processes them and provides information in an organized form. E.g. MS-Access, Oracle,  MySQL, Fox Pro etc.


Advantages of DBMS / Computerized Database

a)    It reduces data redundancy which means duplication of data.

b)    It allows multiple users to access the same data simultaneously.

c)    Large volume of data can be stored and updated easily.

d)    It provides high security of data as well as maintains accurate database.


RDBMS (Relational Database management system)

RDBMS is a type of DBMS that uses a relational model to organize and manage data, allowing users to easily retrieve and manipulate it.

E.g.: MySQL, Oracle, MS Access etc.



MS Access is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft which allows users to store, manage, and analyze large volumes of data in a structured format using tables.

MS Access provides tools for creating databases, designing forms and reports, and running queries to retrieve and manipulate data.


Features of MS-Access

a)    It provides the flexible ways to add, edit, delete and display the related data.

b)    Queries help to view, change and analyse the data indifferent ways.

c)    Forms are used for viewing and editing the information.

d)    Reports are used for summarizing and printing the data.


Record (Tuple)

A record is a row in a table which contains information about single items in a database. Record is complete set of information.


Field (Attributes)

A field is a column in a table which contains information about a certain type for all records. Field is a smallest unit of information.



A value is each specific piece of information in a table.







Ram Thapa




Shyam Shrestha




Rita Dhungel



v Fields are : Symbol_No, Name, Address and Class

v Records are : 25612,  Ram Thapa,  Kathmandu, 10 ; 25617, Shyam Shrestha, Dhading, 8 ; 25635, Rita Dhungel, Pokhara, 10

v Values are: 25612, 25617, 25635, Ram Thapa, Shyam Shrestha, Rita Dhungel, Kathmandu, Dhading, Pokhara, 10, 8, 10.


List the field name from the following table structure.

Symbol No.




Surya Gurung



Birendra Sharma


 Ans: The field names are Symbol No., Name and Marks.


List the field name and records used in the following table structure.





Hari Thapa



Binu Sharma


Ans:Field Names = Symbol_No, Name and Marks

Record = 00100900P   Hari Thapa  85   and    00100901Q   Binu Sharma   91


Field Name

A field name refers to the name given to a specific data element within a database table.


Any two rules for creating the Field Names are

v Field names should clearly describe the data they represent.

v Field names should consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores (_) only.


Difference between record and field



A record is a row in a table which contains information about single items in a database.

A field is a column in a table which contains information about a certain type for all records.

Eg. A student's record containing name, age, and marks.

E.g. "Name," "Age," and "Marks" are fields in the student's record.


Data type  

Data type is an attribute for a field that determines the type of data that can be stored in that field.


What happens while we enter text in number data type?

If we enter text in a numeric field then it display an error message indicating that the data type is incorrect


Write a similarity and a difference between Number field type and Currency filed type.

Ans: similarity and a difference between Number field type and Currency field type


Both store numerical values: Both field types are designed to store numerical data.


            Currency field type is specialized for handling monetary values by including specific currency formats and precision, whereas the Number field type is more generic and can store any numerical data without currency-specific formatting.

Data types of MS-Access

Data Type


Maximum Data / Space

Default Field Size


Used for text or combinations of text and numbers, as well as numbers those don't require calculations, such as phone numbers

Up to 255 Characters



Lengthy text or combinations of text and numbers.

Up to 64,000 / 65535 Characters



Used for data to be included in mathematical calculations.

1,2,4 or 8 Bytes

Long Integer


Used for dates and time data

8 Bytes



Used for currency values.

8 Bytes


Auto Number

Used for unique sequential (incrementing by 1).

4 Bytes



Used for data that can be only one of two possible values, such as Yes/No (Boolean values)

1 Bit


OLE Object

Used for OLE objects (such as MSWord documents, MS-Excel spread sheets, pictures, sounds)

Up to about 1 GB



Used for hyperlinks

Up to 2048 Characters



To attach any supported type of file

Up to about 2 GB


Lookup Wizard

Used to create a field that allows you to choose a value from another table

Dependent on the data type of the lookup field



Which data type is used to store alpha numeric characters or special symbols in MS-Access? - Text


Which data type is suitable to store photographs of students in MS-Access? - OLE object


While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about student's name and date of birth?

Student’s Name uses text data type and date of birth uses Date/Time data type


Which data types are used to store graphics and numeric characters in MS-Access?

OLE object is used for graphic and Number data type is used for numeric character


Which data type is used to store your school fee in MS-Access? - Currency


Which data type is suitable to store salary of an employee in MS-Access? - Currency

    Which data type is used in MS-Access to store address of a person? - Memo


Which data type is used to store date of birth of an employee in MS-Access? - Date/Time


Which in the logical data type of MS-Access? – Yes/No


Which data type of MS Access is used for data that can store only one of two possible values? - Yes/No


What data type is commonly represented as Boolean in MS - Access? -Yes/No


What is the field size of yes/no field? - The field size of YES/NO field is 1 bit.


Which view is used to insert the data in table of MS-Access? - Datasheet


Write any two elements of database. - Field and Record


Which object of DBMS is used to print information? - Report


Which view is used to modify a table structure in MS-Access? - Design View


What is the default extension of MS-Access?

The default extension of Ms-Access is : .mdb (2003 version) and .accdb (2007 version).


What is the default size of text field in MS-Access?

The default size of text field is : 50 (2003 version) and 255(2007 version).


 What is the default field size of “AutoNumber” data type? - 4 Bytes


What is the storage size of memo and text data type in MS- Access?

Text can store up to 255 characters and Memo can store up to 65,535 characters


What is the storage size of text and currency data type?

Ans: The storage size of text data type is 255 and currency data type is 8 bytes.


What is the default size of number field in MS-Access? - 4 bytes (Long Integer)


What is the maximum length of field name in MS-Access? - 64 characters


Which query is used to modify and calculate data in DBMS? – Action query


Which type of query do you use to calculate the total marks of students from table in MS Access? - Select Query


Which view is used to modify a record in MS-Access?  - Datasheet view

Which object of MS-Access is used to retrieve data from the table? - Query


Which query is used to make changes in data stored in database? - Action Query


Which object of DBMS is used to print information? - Report


What is the primary component of a database that organizes data into rows and columns? -Table


What is the primary building block of a database? -Table


Which object is used to store the data in database? -Table


Which object of MS Access is used to provide graphical interface to enter data into a table? -Form


Which query is used to view the data stored in database? - Select query


What is the purpose of a query in a database?

To ask question about the data stored in the database.


Which field property speeds up searching and sorting of records based on a field? - Indexing


What happens while we enter text in number data type?

It does not accept data and displays error message.


Field Properties

Field properties are settings or attributes that allow users to control various aspects of data entry, validation, formatting, and behavior within the database.


Field Properties


Field Size

Field size is a field property which is used to set the maximum size for data stored in the field that is set to the Text or Number data type.


Caption is a field property which gives alternative name given for any field.

The maximum size for this is 2048 characters.

Default Value

Default Value is a field property that is displayed automatically for the field when we add a new record to the table.


Format is a field property that allows to display data in a format different from the way it is actually stored in a table.

Input Mask

Input mask is a field property that controls the value of a record and sets in a specific format.

Validation Rule

Validation Rule is a field property which is used to limit the values that can be entered into a field.

Validation Text

Validation Text is a field property which displays an error message that appears if the data entered is invalid according to the specified validation rule.


Required is a field property which is used to specify whether a value is required in a field or not.


Indexed is a field property which speeds up searching and sorting of records based on a field.


 What do you mean by Indexing? Write its importance.

Indexing is a field property which speeds up searching and sorting of records based on a field.

Its importance is it helps databases quickly find and retrieve data, making queries run faster.


Objects of Ms Access

Table, Form, Query, Report, Pages, Macros, and Modules



Tables are the primary building block of database which stores and manages large volume of data into rows and column.

Tables are essential for creating forms, queries, and reports that extract useful insights and information from data.

Tables provide security features to restrict access to sensitive data and ensure data privacy

It is important because entire data is managed and kept in a table for the future retrieval process. It makes sure that the information stays accurate and consistent.


Importance of table

·       Tables store and organize data efficiently, reducing data redundancy and inconsistencies.

·       Tables enable the use of data validation rules to ensure data accuracy and completeness.

·       Tables are essential for creating forms, queries, and reports that extract useful insights and information from data.

·       Tables provide security features to restrict access to sensitive data and ensure data privacy.


Methods to create table

Design view           Datasheet view                Using wizard


Design View – Related with table structure. We can add, edit or delete field and its properties.

Datasheet View – Related with records. We can add, modify, search or delete records.


Is table a database?

No, Table is not a database. A table is an object inside a database. 





Form is one of the MS-Access database objects which provides graphical interface to view, modify and add data in a table or multiple linked tables.


Importance of form

·       Forms provide an easy-to-use interface for data entry and manipulation, improving data accuracy and completeness.

·       Forms can include validation rules to ensure data quality and prevent errors.

·       Form displays complete record one at a time, so we can view and modify records using the form.

·       Forms provides  GUI (Graphical Users Interface) using which users interact with MS-Access database.


Methods to create form

Design view           Using wizard



Report is one of the MS-Access database objects used to present information in an effective and organized format that is ready for printing.


Importance of report

·       Reports provide a formatted presentation of data that is easy to read and understand.

·       Reports enable users to summarize, analyze, and visualize data in meaningful ways.

·       Reports can be exported or printed for sharing with others.

·       Reports can be based on tables, queries, or other reports, providing flexibility and ease of use.


Why is Report created?

Reports are created in MS Access to present data from one or more tables in a formatted and organized manner, allowing users to easily view and analyze the information.


The data sources for report are table and query


What are the different parts of a report?

The different parts of report are: Report Header, Report Footer, Page Header, Page Footer etc


Methods to create report

Design view

Using wizard



Query is an object of database that is used to view, retrieve, change and analyze records from a table or multiple linked tables based on specified condition.

Queries can be used to filter data, to perform calculations with data, and to summarize data.

Its types are select query and action query.

Select query is a type of query which is used to select and display the relevant data from the database.

Action query is a query that makes changes to or removes many records in just one operation.


It’s types are :

- Append Query: Adds new records to an existing table.

- Update Query: Modifies existing records in a table.

- Delete Query: Deletes records from a table.

- Make Table Query: Creates a new table based on data from one or more tables.

An update query is a type of query that makes entire changes to a record or group of records in one or more tables

A delete query is a type of query that deletes a record or group of records from one or more tables.

An append query is a type of action query used to add records from one or more tables or queries to another table, based on specified criteria or selection rules.

A make-table query is a type of query used to create a new table based on the results of a select query.


Advantages of query

·       Queries enable users to retrieve specific data from tables or other data sources, based on specified criteria.

·       Queries allow users to filter, sort, and group data in meaningful ways.

·       Queries enable users to perform calculations and aggregate functions on data to extract useful insights.

·       Queries can be used to create reports and forms that extract meaningful information from data.


Why is query object used in MS-Access? Give two reasons.

Queries enable users to retrieve specific data from tables or other data sources, based on specified criteria.

Queries allow users to filter, sort, and group data in meaningful ways.


Why update query is necessary in Database system? Give reasons

Update Query is used to add, change, delete the information in an existing record. It allows user to update data of a field at once. So, it is necessary in MS Access database system.


What type of work is done in MS-Access using form and query object?

Form provides graphical interface to view, modify and add data in a table or multiple linked tables.

Query is used to view, retrieve, change and analyze records from a table or multiple linked tables based on specified condition



Methods to create query

Design view           Using wizard


Difference between select query and action update query

Select Query

Update Query

- A select query is the most common category which is used to extract specific information from one or more tables in a database.

- The Select query is used to select data from a database.

- Update query is a type of action query which makes global changes to a group of records in one or more tables.

- The Update query is used to update existing records in a table.


Difference between select query and action action query

Select Query


Action Query

Select query is simply used to select and display the relevant data from the database.


An action query is a query that makes changes to or removes many records in just one operation.

It does not make change to database.


It makes change to database.


Difference between form and report





Form is one of the MS-Access database objects which provides graphical interface to view, modify and add data in a table or multiple linked tables

Report is one of the MS-Access database objects used to present information in an effective and organized format that is ready for printing.

Data can be modified through the form.

Data can not be modified through report.


Difference between query and report



Query is an object of database that is used to view, retrieve, change and analyze records from a table or multiple linked tables based on specified condition

Report is one of the MS-Access database objects used to present information in an effective and organized format that is ready for printing

Queries help filter large amounts of data into more manageable quantities.

Reports present data in meaningful formats so that conclusions and information about the data can be more easily seen.



The process of arranging all the records in a table either ascending or descending order based on field or fields is known as sorting. Sorted data is easier to handle than unsorted data.


The advantages of sorting are

·       Sorting helps to organize data and make it easier to find and retrieve specific information.

·       Sorting can save time and improve efficiency by allowing users to quickly access the data they need.


Any two examples of data sorting are:

Alphabetical sorting: Sorting a list of names in alphabetical order, such as arranging a phonebook by last name.

Numerical sorting: Sorting a list of numbers in ascending or descending order, such as arranging a list of exam scores from highest to lowest.


How many ways to sort data in MS-Access?

We can sort data in MS-Access by ascending or descending order on numbers or text.



Filtering is the process of viewing required record of a table that matches the specified criteria.


Difference between sorting and filtering



The process of arranging all the records in a table either ascending or descending order based on field or fields is known as sorting.

Filtering is the process of viewing required record of a table that matches the specifies criteria.

Sorting affects the entire dataset.

Filtering only affects the data that is displayed.

Sorting is often used to make data easier to read.

Filtering is used to find specific information.

Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order.

Filtering has various criteria that can be applied.


Differences between filtering and querying.




A filtering can be used to display all the data of a single table based on a specified condition

A querying can be used to display selected data from one or more tables based on a specified condition or no condition at all.

Altering the data displayed changes the original data of the table.

Manipulating the data of a saved query does not affect the original data.


What is key in DBMS? Write any two names of keys available in DBMS.

A key is a field or combination of fields that uniquely identifies each record in a table.

Any two names of keys available in DBMS are primary key and foreign key.



Primary key

A primary key is a unique field in a database table that identifies each record uniquely.

It ensures no duplicate records and helps in establishing relationships between tables.

Importance of primary key

It sets the relationship between tables.

It reduces and controls duplication of record in a table

Why is primary key necessary in record?

A primary key is necessary in a database record because it reduce and control duplication of the record in a table, sets the relationship between tables and identifies each record of a table uniquely.

Write two examples of primary key fields.

Any two examples of primary key fields are SEE Registration number, Username

Foreign key

A foreign key in MS Access is a field that establishes a relationship between two tables by referencing the primary key of another table.

Composite Key

Composite Key is the group of primary key that consists of two or more attributes.

Data processing

Data processing is the method of collecting raw data and translating it into usable information.

Difference between primary key and foreign key

Primary key

Foreign key

A primary key is a field or combination of fields in a table that uniquely identifies each record, and is used to establish relationships between tables and enforce data integrity

A foreign key in MS Access is a field that establishes a relationship between two tables by referencing the primary key of another table

The primary key doesn’t allow null values.

Foreign key accepts multiple null values.

For example, in a table of employees, each employee might have an ID number as their primary key.

For example, in a table of orders, the foreign key might be the customer ID number, linking the orders table to a table of customer information.

Data Redundancy

·       Data redundancy refers to the repetition of data in a database, where the same data is stored in multiple places.

·       Data redundancy can be controlled by normalizing the database, eliminating duplicate data and storing it in separate tables, and using foreign keys to establish relationships between the tables.


A relationship is a connection between two or more tables that defines how data in those tables is related to each other. Relationships help ensure data integrity and enable to organize and retrieve data efficiently.

Its types are:          i) One to one relationship          ii) One to many relationship
iii) Many to many relationship